This is the updated version of my 2015 videogame. It is still an adaptation of the HP Lovecraft short story ‘Call of Cthulhu’.
The game has was completed revamped graphically with four new levels as well as a more robust first person controller (it now works with an Xbox Controller on PC).
It was installed in the Electronic Media gallery at Colorado State University as a solo exhibition from Feb 10th through March 10th 2017.
This game was created in the summer of 2015 and was previewed in the FGCU main gallery in August.
The game was created using the Unity game engine and is an adaptation of the short story ‘Call of Cthulhu’ by H.P. Lovecraft.
Images from the New Media Young Blood Show. I was the curator working with Anica Studivant at the FGCU Main Art Gallery.
The show ran from August 22nd to September 19th 2013. It featured the works of
Desiree Moore, Clive Wright, Leonardo Salvaggio, Pat Kelly, Stephen John Ellis & Chad Juehring/Joseph Murphy.
Chair: Michael Salmond. Panel members: Ashley John Pigford, Jason Bernagozzi, Keon Pettiway, Rachel Beth Egenhoefer and Joel Swanson, and Victoria Bradbury.
Passing Through, Florida Gulf Coast University Art Gallery. Solo Show, Sept 2011.
Video Works: Hybris Journeys 9, White Wall #1, Circadian Rhythms.
Interactive Work: CallofFableDutyCreed
As an extension to the exhibition at NIU, the artists and designers from the show presented to an audience of faculty, graduate and undergraduate students at Sci-Arc in Los Angeleses.
The discussion focused mostly on all of our work and the role of games for expression, visual communication, artistic merit and social place.
Chair/Moderator/Presenter Mike Salmond.
Discussants: Ben Chang, Eddo Stern, Jon Cates.
Play Up! Was a show I curated at Northern Illinois University. It showcased the works of Paul Johnson, Eddo Stern, Ben Chang and The Guardians of the Tradition.
©Rule Britannia:
The Fetisization of the Travel Experience.
The works in this show are ostensibly about connections, similarities, differences and ultimately ‘foreign’ places. Across global cities there exists a readable narrative in which similarities form a point of connection which spans geographical distance. Our excitement on travelling to these places is often marred by an unnerving feeling of having been there before..